Since I have received requests for input regarding the City of Oakland hire of former Spokane Chief of Police Anne Kirkpatrick, and I’m busy with several other stories I quickly put this small sampling together for folks to read and draw their own conclusions.


“So the bottom line is that I am recruited for almost every opening in the country because I am a minority and every recruiter wants a minority in the application pool,” Kirkpatrick said. “I would love to be judged on my abilities as a leader, but, nevertheless, the reality is that I am a minority so I am recruited for everything.”







I apologize, but I have some recent stuff I’m working on and this should give you a start!



  1. Sled you need to get your shit together. Your engagement of online hostility with Breen is straight up retarded. You are such a liar and the truth comes out when people expose facts. Certifiable Pussy Hat you are 😉 Have you not figured out that in this day and age, it is better to be the troll than to get trolled? Sit down, have some fire water (I recommend Hennessy, as the Jews believe it is the best) and re-think your life dude.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. To be clear, Andrew is NOT Native American, and the mother of Andrew Jr, Angie is not full blooded Spokane Tribe. Andrew because of his imbalance and quest to be relevant would like people to believe he is NA and he will often pipe in on NA issues all over the place to try and gain acceptance, which is unfortunate for those folks because many, many people have now come to understand exactly what a complete fraud and coward he is.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Since him and Angie were married at the time of Jr.’s birth, sled is “legally” thought to be the father. However, given the troubles in the marriage at the time (drug use and multiple instances of infidelity) paternity is not certain. If you get my drift?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Regarding Andy’s voting record, as you can see with all the talk and all the lies, and all the denials, even though he registered to vote in 2014, he isn’t much of a voter and had to called out for his BS before he even bothered.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Funny you using the same fake names you used for fake accounts after you were banned from the Spokesman Review to comment on your own blog. And wow, going after my son and his mother on here? I suggest you leave them out of this. You know nothing about our divorce. Drugs and infidelity had nothing to do with it. You are a weak and cowardly and irrelevant old man Brian. Only a weak old man would go after a dying woman, a child and a mother who has done nothing wrong. No matter how much you try and make us look bad, all you are doing is showing the world what a POS you really are. And think, YOU were a cop? A f’king dirty cop is what you were. That’s why you go after cops so much because you think they are like YOU. I can’t wait for Ozzie to hand you your ass like he did the neutered Ron The Cop.

          See ya!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Cool stuff!!! To quote you, pardon the language, but it is just a quote from a Coward.

            “Fuck you Troll. I’ve stood up to the old POS Breen since day one and will continue to. Ide like to see you say that bullshit to my face.”

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I don’t think he’s using fake accounts. In fact, it looks like all of this criticism and backlash is organic. I think the upvote accounts were just for visibility for his blog on the SR, which you had neutered. I’m not an account he’s controlling, that’s for sure. I still don’t understand WHY you let a stupid internet argument evolve into THIS. He calls you a coward, you call him a weak and crazy old man.

            Meanwhile, time after time, he posts screen shots of all the underhanded, dishonest things you say. I just don’t understand, you cried and got your way on the SR, got him banned, got the comments locked down to cookie cutter facebook BS and you’re STILL not satisfied. You have to come here and have a meltdown ( I admit, it’s entertaining) but WHY? If there is nothing to see why do you keep coming back? So he looked you up online, it’s very easy to figure out identities online, do you think this is still AOL and the 90’s? Why do you take no steps to protect your identity?

            Lastly, why do you have an obsession with being the center of internet drama? You have a job, a life, a kid….why don’t you focus on the things that matter? You’re addicted man, you’re addicted to bullshit on the internet and until you change your ways, you will still be a perpetual victim, always.

            Liked by 2 people

  2. If Breen says the sky is blue, Sled would argue that it is red, just to argue. Nice derail Sled. Making it about himself….again. Not enough attention in his personal life evidently.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. The ‘cycle’ ends with his son? That’s a good laugh. He constantly models to his son how to be a sniveling wussy, a coward, an idiot that lets his mouth overload his ass. Poor kid. Bad enough being a ginger and coming from a broken home. But to have such a wussy ‘show’ him how to be a man? Kid doesn’t have a chance.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Fuck you Troll. I’ve stood up to the old POS Breen since day one and will continue to. Ide like to see you say that bullshit to my face.


            1. Face to face? What would you do in a face to face meeting…try and beat someone up? I’ve tried over and over again for a face to face with you, but you are scared to death to do it. Please tone your language down, just letters are ok at this point, but don’t spell it out Coward.

              Liked by 1 person

        2. His attachment to Shelia Chase makes sense. He has mommy issues. Along with lots of other issues, as his emotional and out of proportion outbursts indicate. Just read over this thread, if you needed proof that sled is mentally unbalanced.

          Liked by 2 people

  3. Pass the popcorn please!

    What is really funny about all of this, is that the “Sled Drama” had effectively went away. This blog was pretty much just Breen doing his thing for better or worse. All Sled had to do was go about his life and do whatever Sled things he does in his life. Although, getting up in the morning to see who he can argue with on the internet must be what he does with his life.

    Note to Sled: You are the one making this blog (more) relevant. Let that sink in.

    Liked by 3 people

        1. If you ever meet him on the street you aren’t going to do anything. You are just a keyboard warrior looking for drama to fill you empty life. You say this blog is dead, hinting that it is unimportant, then why do you keep coming out here? Because you have nothing else to do?

          Way to make a not so veiled threat, great example for your kids, threatening to beat up an old man. If you ever do (which we all know you won’t) enjoy court, and a jail cell.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. For the record Anonymous, I didn’t make the “if I ever meet you on the street comment”. I did say “Yawn…”. The blog was boring and yet another failed attempt at Brian using a story to make himself seem relevant. I have no interest in “meeting him on the street”. He’s old and out of shape and what would a physical confrontation solve anyways? Btw, I leave an email each time I comment, so Brian can check to see it wasn’t my email. But I bet I know who it was.

            Liked by 2 people

              1. Placing a GPS on my car and a bug in my house is supposed to make you look good? Newsflash, it makes you look nuts. Do you ever think before you say the shit you do?

                Liked by 1 person

              1. Re start. What is it now detective? Kinda funny considering you ghost your IP. Michael was able to figure out some things and got very good at pointing you out. Fun times! 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Yup, you do a great job of exposing yourself. I especially liked your beef with private recordings when you say you “have bugs and wiretaps placed artifully in the Spokesman Review building”. And the guy who traces IP’s ghosts his own. I mean dude, fraud much? Lol. Or your beef with SPD for releasing names and addresses yet you do that constantly. I could go on and on. Like I said, keep it up and I will keep pointing it out.

                Liked by 1 person

              1. Indeed it is good times! Pointing you and Nena out for the frauds that you are is ALWAYS a good time. You asked how she was, she told you and now you and Ms. Blackwell are the poor poor snowflakes. Ironic, isn’t it?

                Liked by 2 people

              2. Well she did make it past the two weeks YOU said she had to live…that is a good thing. So we both are having a good time and you can blow up this blog like you tried to do with the SR site even though you didn’t even vote 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

              3. Yup. She proved the docs wrong. She’s a fighter and I hope she wins the battle. Shame on you and Nena Blackwell for trashing her while she fights for her life. Shows the kind of people you both are.

                For shame.

                Liked by 1 person

              4. What’s with the cowardly thing? You call everyone who disagrees with you a coward including recently the Spokane County Sheriff. Funny how you have beefs with so many different people all the time yet you can’t even see that you are at the center of all of it. I will be glad to see Sheriff Ozzie finally lay the smack down on you you so freakin deserve. Notice how RTC hasn’t said shit in weeks? Yours is coming to.

                Liked by 1 person

              5. Yes that should be fun too…I got news for you pal…you are a coward. I’ll invite you again to stop by my place any time…you can even tell my wife what a bad dude I am without having to go to her work this time.

                Liked by 1 person

              6. You got news for me? Oh, ok Brian. Look, like I have said many times, I have no interest in a physical confrontation with you. Nothing good can come from it so quit calling for a confrontation. You spent the last few years defaming me and many others online and now you are being exposed for the fraud that you are. Your latest Twitter feud with our Sheriff is yet ANOTHER example of your online harassment. Journalists don’t harass people they wish to interview. Investigative Reporters don’t harass those they wish to interview. You seem to crave confrontation with Cops and people in general. I’m beginning to see why you were never promoted past Detective. Your big ass mouth.

                Liked by 1 person

              7. And look at you now. Relegated to dissing the Sheriff on Twitter. Why don’t you run for Sheriff if you can do such a better job? Ironic how you question everyone else’s qualifications except your own. And I wonder, was there some retired asshole Cop taunting your career and department while you were a cop? Remember Morlins coverage of SPD’s little stripper party at your Cop bar? Yall weren’t the innocent policy abiding Cops you say you were. I’ve managed to interview several of your old co workers and media from that Era. Seems you have always been this way, Brian. Remember the Spokesman Review reporter you tailed for months? No wonder you are so cynical. You think all cops are like yourself.

                Liked by 1 person

              8. I forgot to mention Bill Morlin and I have known each other for years. We even both took Mr. Black’s Journalism class at LC, and we both lived in Peaceful Valley, so I always follow his stories. We still keep in touch. He is an excellent Investigative Reporter, something the SR could use right now. I missed the stripper party…darn it. Funny you should mention that, back then the SR went after PRA Violations, and that was one of the many they won in Court and is often cited in cases. Bill did a great job on that and many other stories, he writes some good stuff for the SPLC now when he isn’t doing his woodworking projects. The last time we talked both of us wondered why Ozzie’s crew didn’t get a search warrant for the Militia Training Compound that Roy Murray frequented and was close to the Murder scene.

                Liked by 1 person

              9. Yup. The Spokesman Review sued to have the list of named officers at that party. I’m sure if a guy called in a favor he might get the archivist at the SR to pull the names of officers in attendance. Some were even on duty at the time. And yes, Morlin has a wealth of info from back in your era. He was part of my research. Along with several Cops you worked with and other media.

                Liked by 1 person

              10. Great…you can write a book…keep researching and make sure to keep us informed. Like I said I wasn’t at the party…and if you find someone that does have a list see if you can find my name on it. 🙂

                Liked by 2 people

              11. Already asked him. He doesn’t have a copy. But he said he remembered seeing the list of names, many of which were redacted. Pretty sure the Spokesman has it in their archives. Odd they never published the list after going to the Supreme Court to have it released.

                Liked by 1 person

              12. I did ask him. First I emailed him and then he called. Why you so worried about who’s name is on the list? 🙂 It is ironic that SPD during your tenure fought to keep the list from going public. Shady. Shady. Shady. Lol

                Liked by 1 person

              13. Not worried…wasn’t there. Why are you so worried about who’s name is on the list. You might read that story closely especially the part about IA.

                Yes Ironic…isn’t it. Bill and I had a nice talk about that back in the day. I’ll give him a call because I do remember some of the names of people that were there.

                How is that trying to be relevant thing working for you coward? 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

              14. I spoke to Bill Morning 1/8/2016. I have the emails and the phone records. You really are worried about your name being on that list aren’t ya? Looks like I’m gonna call my favor in to the Spokesman and get a copy of that list. This should be fun! 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

              15. According to Bill it was in Oct. or so and he told you to get ahold of the SR Archives…now who should I believe…Bill or You? Not worried at all, but I sure hope you do some investigative work. Bill and I had a good laugh about it and the story. He told me the SR contacted him and you tried to get his number he didn’t want it out so he called you. Now if you are really interested do a PRR to the Liquor Board and get a complete copy of the report. When you find my name let us know.

                Not only are you a Coward…but you are also a real Dumb Coward.

                Liked by 2 people

              16. I forgot to mention, not only did Bill and I have some good laughs about you, we had some good laughs about some of the back story, and we both remembered some of the names of the cops that were there. Bill remembered the strippers name, I don’t think I ever knew it. Actually Bill and I should do a book about the real Spokane some day and give you a whole chapter! 🙂

                Liked by 2 people

              17. Alison Boggs gave me his email and I emailed him. Never asked for his phone number. He did ask for mine and then he called. It was not October. The email exchange is clearly dated 1/8/2016.

                Liked by 2 people

              18. Wanted to ask this downthread, where you mention that sled doesn’t vote but there was no link to comment on that post… Why? Why doesn’t he vote? Is he a felon that lost his civil rights? Thanks.

                Liked by 1 person

            1. Give it a rest Andrew, Breen caught you in lie after lie on the SR and what you are trying to do here to get attention is only going to make things worse for you and maybe others. There are many other places for you to argue with people so there is no need to do it here.

              Liked by 3 people

              1. Funny how this blog dies when I don’t comment, isn’t it? 🙂

                I’m torn, keep pointing out Brian’s hypocrisy or let his blog die. Hmmmm 🙂

                Liked by 2 people

      1. Brian:
        I have made a good effort to successfully ignore your comments, barbs, lies, insults and half truths for a long time now. I have bit my tongue many times. However, this time is very different. I have others and loved ones I must consider and protect because you once again and made every effort to make my personal business inappropriately yours. Andrew/Sled is correct and accurate. FYI, I am battling an inoperable fast growing terminal cancer. My prognosis was presented to me in days and not months or years. There is no hiding the physical effects of the disease. I am doing my very best each day to stay on this earth dispute the odds. Perhaps you will take a few moments to rethink some of your choices not only for me, but maybe many other good people who may have been harmed by your words/actions only meant to detract or devalue others. It is intentional. You will never better yourself by pulling others under.


          1. Holy Deathbed Drama, Batman!
            Bad enough Sled and Shelalalalalalala ruined the threads on the SledShelia~Review, now they have to bring their perpetual victim whiny asses on here, too? Good grief! Give it a rest you two!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. For that pair…it is always about being someone’s victim. Whether it is losing her inheritance to the EPA, her son being beaten up by the cops,…and on and on…it is always someone. The problem with being such a liar is when you do tell the truth no one believes it!

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Is it irony that both liars popped up on this story titled (in part): “…Lie You Die…” ?

                They come on here, throwing punches, so they can then attack other contributors and disrupt the thread. JUST as they used to do on the SledShelia~Review threads before Andy Lee Scheldt drove the moderators crazy with his non-stop whining and demands that posts be removed; being a butt hurt victim 247365.

                This crappola confrontation with Andy Lee all started when him and his bossy pants girl friend were posting to the SledShelia~Review threads; as Sled and Bellinghamster. They got into an argument with Brian, looked up where his wife worked, and threatened – on a public forum – to go to her place of employment and confront her. All over some stupid argument on a newspaper story. Andy Lee Sled started it. He is a passive/aggressive bullyvictim; bullies other people and dishes it out then pretends to be the victim after he sets a conflict in motion.

                In addition to harassing Brian’s wife, Andy Lee Sled and his thread mom Shelia Chase Shelalalalala
                started accusing Brian of committing crimes. They lobbed their insults and smears on their personal blog, what used to be the Spokesman Review, using friendships with moderators to get posts removed that called them on their crap. And getting accounts removed in attempts to shut people up that remembered the truth. People that know who the real trouble makers are. People that have screen shots of them attacking Brian Breen and threatening his wife, her employment, his physical safety, and the family home.

                NOW, years later… Andy Lee Sled Scheldt still threatens others, using the blog of the man he threatened on the Spokesman~Review website to continue to threaten and harass. He comes on here, uninvited, to start trouble, play the victim, and threaten other contributors – such as myself.

                The guy has issues.
                ’nuff said

                Liked by 2 people

            2. Wow, you really are a POS Nena Blackwell. I’ve been to the hospital to visit her and watched her hair fall out. The chemo almost killed her twice robbing her blood of white blood cells. She’s a fighter and deserves to live and not have some mean bitch talking about her like you do while she battles cancer.


              1. Interesting isn’t it that like many other people, including people in prison, who have gone through the tough chemo process losing their hair robbing them of white blood cells and are battling cancer she interrupts the battle to comment on this irrelevant blog, just like you, in order to find some relevance in life. The two of you continue to play the same I’m a victim game that people saw through. I’m allowing it only to demonstrate just how deeply troubled the both of you really are. If you are looking for empathy here from me I would suggest you look elsewhere.

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Now YOU are getting the attention that you so desperately crave. Such a tough guy, calling me a bitch and a piece of shit on a public blog, ain’t ya? OMG! You have been harassing me for years, tough guy.

                Liked by 2 people

            3. “Holy Deathbed Drama, Batman!
              Bad enough Sled and Shelalalalalalala ruined the threads on the SledShelia~Review, now they have to bring their perpetual victim whiny asses on here, too? Good grief! Give it a rest you two!”

              You can dish it out but you can’t take it huh? You are a POS and a bitch. That’s just REALITY. Your man crush asked how she was and she answered and you say that shit on “a public blog”, get called out and now YOU play the victim? You need some help, Nena.


        1. Thanks for the concern, but Andy is your typical Coward who hides behind his Verizon account and try’s to pick fights with people while he THINKS he is safe. Now if someone took his smart phone away from him and told him he could not lie, make things up, falsely accuse people of crimes, and call people names then he might become so psychologically distressed he could be a danger since his entire Cowardly Life revolves around trying to be a Somebody, something that will never happen.

          Besides I have Bugs all over his house, and in his car, along with GPS trackers on his car and snowmobile…so I keep pretty good track of him. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        1. As you can tell, your opinion and your 2 or 3 foolish supporters, doesn’t bother me one bit. You are the old man that is stalking my Facebook with fake accounts(I blocked you after you swiped pics of my son last year). Says more about you than it does me. You are the one who is banned for life from the Spokesman Review for harassment. Not me. Lol.

          Have a nice day 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

              However do you sleep at night? Find the will to go on living? How do you endure? How do you manage to get by, day to day, week to week, month to month?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Nena, very funny. I remember Alison telling me how you begged her not to ban your Misjustice account, over and over. But…you just couldn’t follow the rules. Just like your mancrush. Lol. Good times. 🙂


              2. Yes, she is teaching now. And yes I do know why she left. Opportunity she couldn’t resist is what I was told. She was great. Miss her and hope she is doing well.


            1. Remember when he used to have his melt-downs on the SR? First, after losing an argument, he’d start with the “have a nice day” routine. Then he would start editing and self-deleting his bs comments, especially the ones that you pointed out his lies on and those showing he was the one that instigated the argument.

              On here? He can’t edit or delete.

              Poor Andy the pussy hat, he’s so (self) abused.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. The only one seeking attention is you Breen. Look at your Twitter dude. Most folks post their stuff once and let folks read it or not. You on the other hand tweet and retweet the same thing over and over to 20 or 30 different folks. Desperate much?

                Liked by 1 person

              2. That’s not my Honda. That’s Smokes. Mines green. I posted for him on Spokane News because he doesn’t have Facebook. Mine was stolen once and almost stolen a second time. Both times they destroyed the ignition switch and steering wheel lock mechanism.


              3. I see… Andrew Lee Scheldt DOB 4/28/1970. your car was stolen only once…not three times right? “Smoke” now there is a young guy that isn’t a Coward like you are as you know he stopped by my place sat in my living room and we had a great chat. I’m pretty sure he delivered the message to you to knock off the BS lying about me… falsely accusing me of calling your work, falsely accusing me of a crime, etc and most recently of being at a cop strip party and being a drunk or I would fight back. You didn’t want to listen now most of Spokane knows what a liar and fraud you are.

                Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s frickin’ warm on HERE! What the hell happened to this thread? Sled is having a full on melt down over the course of several days.

        His therapist doesn’t think this sort of interaction is good for him; remember when he had to take a break from having his nose up the mods butts on the threads at the SledShelia~Review? I think it was right around the time his last girlfriend left him…by the by. Bye-Bye Now!

        Damn, Buff!


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